Saturday, December 1, 2007

Silent View

Ever once in a while, have any of you just wanted the world to stop the sound to end or the whole process to shut... hope so cus then it will prove your human. the thought it self to stand all alone with no sound and a calm sight with an umbrella when its drizlling over a hill from where you have a view of the whole horizon and then you feel the chilling breeze over ur moist lips running across your ears and you feel sad for beeing by yourself and then the thought comes "what would i not give to be with someone ight now", well this is ironic because moments ago you wanted to be alone and now you feel like having a companionship... thats just the course of the human mind that god designed for us after alll we are social animals we are trained to move in herds eat in groups and groom each other with our never ending chats and responsibilities but then why is a person alone or left out called a loser the fact we all tend to forget is that that person has in reality come to know the essence of life and the only hidden envy within our self, forces us to stray away from our own beeing and call him a loser. This is for all those people who get bullied or bully others actiually on second thoughts this is for every person on this life giving planet just wait and take some time of you lovely life give it a few slow breaths cut off your self from the world for a moment or more and see observe the silent view block your ears to what all you hear and open up you powers of observation and then the life you left moments ago will become more than lovely!! after all it is a silent view you were looking at this is also called as tapping into the concious mind and look at the world thru the eyes only after all its your life and you aint gettin another one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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