Thursday, April 17, 2008


yes today it was a very hot day so hot that the heat turned into humidity and well humidity turn to rain as i sit here i can smell the earth after it was scortched by the sun, i can feel everything getting cleansed around me and the pitter patter of the rain drops well they sound like a rythim for some ritual is it gods message or just a figment of my imagination that the fall of drops of life actually fall in a tender like note to that of a piano but not as tuned as it can be, well as i stop for some time and close my eyese i reliase that the rain in fact give me some sense when it falls and is vreating a better scen as i first imagined the fall of water on con cret to that of on grass and earth respectively actually are in sync to give out a melody only an eager ear can hear but then to my suprise the melody of life wasnt finished but just bugun and i soon relalise that creature created by god all join into this wonderful ritual and give me a better sense of this world to wat i am used to see and what do i relaise that garden of eden is not lost but still present life can still be bright and as good as it can seem so i wait and fin ally come to a cross road were i fell am alive the rain gives life and well life is all we need to live when we are down and low for after the rain everything will give us a new perspective of how fruit ful life can actually be so hope people you are listining to you hearts and let it sync with your mind and do what is right in life be yourself and the world is in your palm..